The 2011 Cluj Rally

The meeting of the Federal Council of the Romanian Federation of Sport Motoring on the 22ndof December brought about the finalization of the competitional calendar of the 2011 Dunlop National Rally Championship. Thus, the Cluj Rally, on its 30thedition, will count as the 3rdevent of this championship and will take place during 28-29 May 2011.

HoraţiuSAVU: �The members of the SAVU RACING Sports Club are extremely delighted to have the chance of providing the motorsport fans both from Cluj and from other parts of the country, with a traditional event organized at the highest standard in the 2011 season, the same as on the previous occasions. As concerning the rescheduling of the event to an earlier date, as compared to the already traditional time of the past 8 editions organized by us, I don�t think it will raise special problems and we consider that associating the rally with Zilele Clujului (the Cluj Days), a manifestation inaugurated this year can only bring advantages in terms of image to all parts involved. Also, we shouldn�t forget about the international quality of the rally, first started in the 2009 season, a quality which we wish to keep for the next editions, too. Therefore, we expect all the petrol heads and fans of sport in general to join us in complete safety in this celebration of the Romanian motorsport.�

To whom it may concern, here is the full calendar of the 2011 Dunlop National Rally Championship.

 1Raliul Brasovului08 – 09 aprilC.S. AUTOBLICtarmac
 2Raliul Muresului06 – 07 mayC.S. AMC RACINGtarmac
 3Raliul Clujului28 – 29 mayC.S. SAVU RACINGtarmac
 4Raliul Argesului17 – 18 juneC.S. HATTERStarmac
5Raliul Sibiului08 – 09 julieC.S. SCORPION RALLY TEAMgravel
 6Raliul Aradului05 � 06 augustC.S. AMC RACINGgravel
7Raliul Tara Barsei02-03 septemberC.S. AUTOBLICgravel
 8Raliul Iasului23-24 septemberA.C.S MOTORSPORT IASIgravel
9Raliul Bacaului*14-15 octomberA.C.S. RALLY SPIRITgravel

*under n-2 event system, under the reserve of homologation at least 4 months prior to the unfolding of the event

**reserve � TimişoaraRally, organizer CS Racing Team Erwin Weber

Official documents

There were been released the initial form of the official documents of 2011 Cluj Mobil 1 Star Lubricants Rally, wich were sent