Although we took the necessary steps a few years ago, and some of the participants of the time remained involved in motorsport (e.g. Andrei Pop), this year we have resumed the initiative of encouraging as many people as possible to get involved in this sport. Therefore, for this edition of the Cluj Rally which takes place on the 27-29 May 2011, we are looking for persons interested in getting involved voluntarily as marshals, in activities related to secretariate, logistics or as aids in the time control posts. It is the fastest means of getting closer to motorsport, along with the possibility of being straight in the middle of the action, not to mention that of making new friends.

News from Raliul Clujului Star Lubricants 2011
The entries to the 2011 Star Lubricants Cluj Rally are still going on, even if the official entry period has ended. 54 crews and